What A Long Strange Trip It's Been!

These are the random thoughts, questions, and ideas that plague me in life. These are the people, places, and things that I care about.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Who's More Grizzled?
Jim Greer.....Norm MacDonald
Wayne.....Robert Duvall
Tate Mitchum.....Garth Brooks
Prize Keeper.....Jim Breuer
Jim Greer: Hello, everyone! I'm Jim Greer, and it's time once again for "Who's More Grizzled?" the game show that finds out who is the roughest, toughest, most hardbitten old-timer around, so let's bring out our contestants. He is our returning champion.. [ audience applauds as Wayne enters ] Yes, you have some fans in the audience, Wayne. You are a former sharecropper and a World War II veteran who hails from Adler, Mississippi. So, what are you up to these days, Wayne?
Wayne: I mostly been huntin' and whittlin'.
Jim Greer: Well, that is great. Now, let's meet your opponent, he worked on an offshore oil rig until he broke his back, now he is a prospector. Please welcome Tate Mitchum! [ Tate walks out ] Welcome, Tate, and it looks like Wayne has his work cut our for him, because you, sir, are extremely grizzled!
Tate Mitchum: [ stares ] I don't much care for you.
Jim Greer: A lot of people don't - save it for the game! Let's get started. The categories are: "War", "Hard Times", "Bear Attacks", "Ailments", "Dead Wives", and finally "Coal Mining". And, Wayne, as the returning champion, you pick first.
Wayne: I don't much cotton to these computers today.
Jim Greer: You are good! As always, I'll pick for you. Let's try "Ailments". The question is: "How things treatin' ya?"
Wayne: I can't complain. My leg hurts, it means it's bound to rain. Wish them doctors at the VA could get that shrapnel out of my shoulder.
Jim Greer: That is correct! And, my, you are grizzled. It's still your board, Wayne.
Wayne: A lot of people don't know I was the first man to get a team of horses up Bear Mountain!
Jim Greer: [ pause ] Let's go with "War!" The question is: "Grandpa, tell me a story." [ Tate buzzes in ] Tate!
Tate Mitchum: I was separated from our unit, came across a bunch of Germans asleep a field. Bayonetted every last one of them! Didn't find out 'til later the war had been over for a week.
Jim Greer: Very nice, Tate!
Tate Mitchum: When I was your age, I didn't call my seniors by their Christian name!
Jim Greer: Well, I'm sorry, sir.
Tate Mitchum: Keep it, boy, I'll take a strap to ya!
Jim Greer: I wish I could give you points for that grizzled exchange, but I can't. Let's go to "Dead Wives". The question is: "Life's hard, isn't it?"
Wayne: Damn right it is, Sonny! I lost Adeline in childbirth 40 years ago! Every Spring, when the dogwoods bloom and the posies take a first step, I think of the way she.. [ buzzer ]
Jim Greer: I'm sorry, that's wrong. No, no that wasn't grizzled, that was wistful. [ Tate buzzes in ] Mr. Mitchum, you can take a commanding lead here!
Tate Mitchum: I've buried wives, but a father should never bury a son. It was the flood of '52, we were all caught on the levee, but.. I don't want to talk about this no more.
Jim Greer: Yes! Yes, that is the answer! Well, now, you know what time it is? It's time for the Grizzled Speed Round! This is your chance to catch up, Wayne. One minute, $200 a question, let's begin. Money! [ Wayne buzzes in ]
Wayne: I don't believe in banks, I keep my earnings in a coffee can!
Jim Greer: Correct! Government! [ Tate buzzes in ] Mr. Mitchum!
Tate Mitchum: They oughtta keep their damn noses out of people's business!
Jim Greer: That's right! Higher Education! [ Wayne buzzes in ] Wayne!
Wayne: Never had much cause fer book learnin'!
Jim Greer: Yes! Immigration! [ Tate buzzes in ] Mr. Mitchum!
Tate Mitchum: Got a strong back, we can use you!
Jim Greer: Correct! Religion! [ Wayne buzzes in ] Wayne!
Wayne: The day I set foot on that beach in Normandy, I never wished more that there was a god in heaven, and I was never more certain that they wasn't.
Tate Mitchum: Damn.. you are grizzled..
Jim Greer: We have a winner, and still champion - Wayne Little! Wayne, let's take a look and see what you've won!
Prize Keeper: You have won some salted meats and a bottle of Rebel Yell!
Jim Greer: Thank you both for playing, and, Wayne, enjoy your prizes!
Wayne: No, no, I don't need your charity, they ain't no such thing as a free lunch where I come from! Now, if you'll excuse, I got osme work to do. [ exits ]
Tate Mitchum: I'll be waiting for you after the show!
Jim Greer: Okay, that's all the time we have! Thanks for joining us on "Who's More Grizzled?"


At 9:38 PM, Blogger Neal said...

I saw a rerun of this episode the other day and I had forgotten how truly hilarious it was. There are two other skits that make me cry laughing every time I think about them: 1) Mango with Chris Kattan and Garth Brooks. 2) Old French Whore! with Garth Brooks in drag as a French prostitute. The concept was to pair 3 American high school honor students with old French prostitutes to answer question (ala Jeopardy) to win cash and prizes. If you have seen this episode or want to comment on others, fell free I am a huge SNL fan... So have at it.

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Jackson Whitlock said...

Thanks for the post Neal, but I can't look at it too much, as it reminds me of losing friends and allies on the field of battle, and that reminds me of being in the forest with nothing but your teeth and animals, it's a tough world.

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