What A Long Strange Trip It's Been!

These are the random thoughts, questions, and ideas that plague me in life. These are the people, places, and things that I care about.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Immigration Laws

As a native Texan, I am appaled at what is going on in Dallas today. Officials estimate that approximately 500,000 hispanics marched in downtown Dallas today to protest the proposed immigration laws. I am a very patriotic person and whole heartedly believe in the concept of " Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses." but if you want so bad to profit from the opportunities available in this country then at least have the common courtesy and good grace to do it legally. This country does not ask alot from immigrants. It never has. All we ask is that you do it legally and don't try to screw things up when you get here. While I am ranting here it would also go along way for you to LEARN THE FREAKIN' LANGUAGE!!! Why should I have to know Spanish just to be able to communicate with the guests who come to the hotel I work at? I don't go to Mexico and get mad at them for not knowing English. Why should I be forced to learn another language just to get by in my own country. I am going to stop now before I get any madder and throw this computer across the room but I will say this in closing..... If you are here legally then I respect your rights to live be treated fairly, however , if you are an illegal immigrant I could care less that you don't have any rights. You are in another country illegally what gives you the right to demand anything from that country?


At 6:12 PM, Blogger Jackson Whitlock said...

You damn skippy. The difference between the illegal immigrants from south of the border and the immigrants from previous eras in the US is this: In the past, people wanted to come to America and BECOME Americans. Assimilation was not just a requirement but a matter of pride and desire. Many folks did not even teach their kids the native language in an effort to completely Americanize the kids - and it worked. It's rare that you see folks from my bloodlines (scots-irish and Dutch etc.) who march with the Dutch flags about the streets of the country and fight for Dutch language systems in schools etc. My point here is that although there are Hispanics/Mexicans that come to the US to become Americans and adjust to our ways, there are many more who come over for the economy with the desire to turn OUR country into theirs through "pride" marches, bilingual education and a slew of other non-American takeover tactics. I like being American and I want my kids to be American, not Mexican, not bicultural etc. It is an invasion and simply cannot be compared to the immigration techniques of yesteryear, because, out of their own leaders' mouths this is a takeover of "La Raza" or "The Race" of a country through illegal means, not a bunch of folks who long to become American. This bifurcation is evident in Texas, as whites and blacks alike are pushed to areas that hispanics are not. It is not a matter of race, but a matter of culture. Mexican immigrants move into a sectionof town and create Mexico there - and as a byproduct, the American whites, blacks and "other" who have no desire to be forced into the culture of a thirdworld country, must leave or change THEIR lives. Texas is a land of self-segregation, of that there is no doubt. But Texas will soon be two seperate countries as well: folks like myself and the hispanic nation within our borders, and it is already evident today.

Hell, we had a war with mexico - and now we all but piss on the graves of the heroes of the Alamo with our limpwristed allowal of the same foreign nation to take over our culture, land and country. Sad.

Teddy Roosevelt was a huge proponent of immigration. He stated that this is a nation built upon immigrants and would continue to be so. However, he went out of his way to state that these immigrants must become Americans through and through. He said that an American that is also something else (i.e. Mexican-American, Hispanic-American) is not an American at all. He said that there was no room for these types of people, for assimilation is what the United State is about.

Mr. Roosevelt's ideas are being realized in the sectionalization of America today. Once we are several different countries just hanging out in the same general, physical area, we are no longer a nation and this "melting pot" experiment called the United States comes to an abrupt end.

It is frustrating that the state I love and grew up in has been forcefully changed through the process of illegal entry and non-assimilation over the years from 1980 to the present.

I identify with my state less and less each day.

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Neal said...

Well I have had time to calm down and re-read this post and Mr. Whitlock's comment and I am pissed all over again. I have been thinking alot the last week or so about those men who fought bravely against a much larger and more experienced army in order to make this great state a free country. I know that sounds like an oxymoron to some but anyone who knows Texas history will know that for a brief time Texas was its own country.The men who fought and died at The Alamo and at San Jacinto and Goliad must be rolling over in their graves at the state of affairs in the country/state they fought so hard to defend. There is an advertising campaign that runs to get tourism to this state that ends each ad with: "Texas, It's like a whole other country." That has always been true but it has taken on a new meaning in the last 20 years or so. Texas is a unique place with a varied background. The French, Spanish, Mexican, and asssorted European heritages gave Texas a style all its own. So it truly was like a whole other country in that is was different from anywhere else on earth. Now that slogan is true for another reason. "Texas, It's like a whole other country." Yeah, Mexico! As I stated in my original post I have no issue with anybody of any culture who comes to this country with a true desire to become American and to assimilate themself into our society. However, don't come to my country legally or illegally and expect me to cater to your culture and learn your language and teach my kids about your culture. It is the responsibility of parents to educate their kids about their heritage not the school. And for God sakes DO NOT come over here and try to FUCK SHIT UP!! I swear, and this may catch me alot of flack but I don't care, outside of actual loss of life there is little difference between what these people are trying to do and the Al Queda and their attacks on this country. If you stop and think about it what was to goal of Al Queda's attack on 9-11? It was to disrupt and change our way of life as Americans, because they don't like the way we do things and they disagree with our values and ideals. What do these protestors want. They want to disrupt our lives as Americans and cause us to adhere to their needs and their way of life and cater to their heritage. They are up in arms over what? The government wants them to pay taxes in exchange for living and working here without ever filing for citezenship. GASP OH MY GOD!!! I can't believe they wont let us live and prosper in their country for free. BOO FUCKING HOO!! I am not a fan of closing the borders, but I am getting there real freaking quick. QUIT SCREWING SHIT UP!! Live here, prosper, get your kids educated, but dont' make me pay for it out of my money because of high taxes when you aren't paying any. Ok I am pissed and sweating right now so I am going to stop, but I will probably continue ranting in a day or two.

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Neal said...

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At 8:54 PM, Blogger Neal said...

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At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!


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